The Chamber would like to thank everyone who came out and attended the Orange Uncorked Wine Festival. It was an amazing weekend filled with fun, laughter, and joy. Many thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers, American Legion Post 156, and Shriners whose talents and efforts helped make the festival successful.
Thanks to the following festival Sponsors:
Grelen Nursery
Orange County Tourism
CVILLE 107.5 & Generations 102.3
BayWa r.e.
Somerset Seed & Sod
Orange Madison CO-OP
Piedmont Power
Madison at the Mill
We look forward to doing it again next year!
Mark your calendars - May 7th & 8th, 2022. Cheers!

Business & Industry Appreciation Picnic
Thursday, May 20th
If your business would like to be a sponsor of this event, click here .
Sponsorship is $125.00
you will have signage with your business name and logo at the picnic.

Please RSVP by Friday, May 14th to
Chinn's Automotive Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrated on April 7th

Pictured left - Deanne Marshall OCCC Executive Director, Esther Woodard, Frank Lewis Sr., Kortney Jackson, Mark Jackson, Reggie Jackson, Andrea Jackson and Priscilla Jackson. 12300A James Madison Highway, Orange, VA 22960 540-661-0190
Missy Moodies Sweet Treats Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrated on April 11th

Kim Adamson - owner of Missy Moodies Sweet Treats and family.
152 Caroline Street, Orange, VA
Upcoming Chamber Events

Small Business Week May 2nd - 8th

ORANGE COUNTY CELEBRATES SMALL BUSINESS WEEK MAY 2-8, 2021 The Orange County Office of Economic Development and Tourism is pleased to announce plans for the 2021 Small Business Week, scheduled for May 2-8, 2021. Orange County will celebrate its many small businesses starting on Sunday, May 2, 2021. This year’s theme is focused on keeping it local, and we are encouraging residents to do so by shopping, dining, and supporting Orange County businesses. Each day on social media the Office will post facts and tidbits about why small businesses are essential to our community. For your convenience, we have created digital marketing material for you to use, in support of the campaign. Download the Small Business Week Poster Download the Facebook header Facebook Event Residents and business owners are encouraged to participate along with the hashtags #buyorangeva and #OCsmallbusinessweek while utilizing and patronizing local businesses. The ThinkOrangeVA Instagram and Facebook pages will have highlights throughout the week. Happy Small Business Week!!

Marshall Farms Appreciation Day
Open House Thursday, May 13th
Marshall Farms is an organic, grazing, dairy farm with state of the art robotic technology. Tours will be available and lunch will be provided.
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
8494 Zachary Taylor Highway
Unionville, VA 22567
Please RSVP to

Links to register below
Tuesday May 18th
Tuesday May 18th

5 Over 50 Honorees Announced for 2021 Aging Together will return to its traditional timing for the signature “5 Over 50” fundraiser celebration which will be held this year on May 20, 2021 as a live virtual event. May is particularly appropriate as it is also “Older American’s Month” which began in 1963 and has remained the same by proclamation of the US President every year, and whose observance is led by the Administration for Community Living. The ACL has announced that this year’s theme is "Communities of Strength, because Older adults have built resilience and strength over their lives through successes, failures, joys, and difficulties. Their stories and contributions help to support and inspire others. This OAM, we will celebrate the strength of older adults and the Aging Network, with special emphasis on the power of connection and engagement in building strong communities.” (
There is no better way to celebrate Older Americans Month than by honoring those over age 50 who have committed a good part of their lives toward building stronger communities in our region. One person from each of the region’s five counties is chosen for the award. Each of this year’s honorees has exemplified their own personal brand of selfless devotion and dedication toward that cause and consequently received countless accolades and the respect of friends, coworkers, leaders, supporters, and admirers. As is customary the honorees were nominated by their own peers and then selected for the award by committee. This year’s 5 Over 50 honorees are: Culpeper County: Mr. Frank Bossio Fauquier County: Ms. Liz Danielsen Madison County: Ms. Delano "Dink" Kreis Orange County: Ms. Donalda Lovelace Rappahannock County: Ms. Mimi Forbes The 5 Over 50 event is Aging Together’s sole annual fundraiser. Anyone interested in sponsoring this year’s event should contact Aging Together at or visit the website’s event page ( The mission of Aging Together is, through partnerships, to connect people to communities and resources to improve quality of life as we age. Aging Together serves the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Orange, Madison and Rappahannock. Ellen Phipps Executive Director 540-829-6405 PO Box 367 Culpeper, VA 22701
Med Education Class
VIEW /Adult Education Center
Orange Department of Social Services

Where: Adult Education Center –Orange When: May 24, - June 11, 2021 Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Time: 4:00 P.M. until 9: P.M. For more information contact Bernice @ 540-672-1155 No make –up days!!!

13th Annual SWING Golf Classic and
50/50 Drawing
May 28th
Hospice of the Piedmont Announces Annual SWING Golf Classic
and 50/50 Drawing
Friday, May 28, at the Fauquier Springs Country Club, Warrenton, VA
Hospice of the Piedmont is pleased to announce its 13th annual SWING Golf Classic and 50/50 Drawing, taking place on Friday, May 28, at the Fauquier Springs Country Club in Warrenton, VA. Now more than ever, our community needs strength and connectedness, while maintaining a feeling of safety and security. To ensure a safe experience for everyone, our tournament will follow a set of safety expectations during the entire event. Don’t wait−make sure to register your team today at
Support Hospice of the Piedmont and the SWING Golf Classic by purchasing a 50/50 Ticket. Drawing winner will be awarded a prize up to $15,000, with up to $15,000 also supporting Hospice of the Piedmont’s important work in our community. Tickets are just $100 each and only 300 will be sold. Rules and restrictions apply; need not be present to win.
Hospice of the Piedmont has served as a trusted and beloved community asset, providing end-of-life care and grief services for over 40 years. All proceeds from the SWING Golf Classic will support programs such as our Center for Children, Center for Grief and Healing, and We Honor Veterans program, as well as other special services.
For more information and purchase, visit
For sponsorship opportunities
contact Shannon Gearing at
Event Highlights
13th Annual SWING Golf Classic
Friday, May 28
Fauquier Springs Country Club
Warrenton, VA
Business Recovery Survey
Are you a business in Orange County?
We need your feedback, please! The Orange County Office of Economic Development & Tourism is seeking to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our business community, and learn what resources would best assist Orange County-based businesses moving forward.
We ask that you take a few minutes to share your experiences and thoughts to assist us in future programming and funding opportunities. Thank you in advance for your time.
Survey Link:
