2023 is shaping up to be another full one – everyone is enjoying the return to in-person events and socializing, and the Chamber is no exception. We encourage all of our members to contact us to schedule a coffee social, after hours event, ribbon cuttings, cash and lunch mobs, or whatever you need to celebrate at your location! We are actively working to fill the calendar for the year, so let us know if you want to be included. We are working diligently to host events throughout the county to allow ALL of our members to be included, so please let us know if you can host an event. I try to be as flexible as possible with dates and times, so give me a call to see how we can highlight your business!
With the increased number of events – both Chamber-sponsored and those held by our members – I am getting requests to publish information that needs to be out before the next newsletter is ready to go. That results in multiple emails each month, and I don’t want to end up in your spam folder! To alleviate some of the clutter, one change I am working to implement is changing our newsletter to a semi-monthly publication, to go out during the first and the third weeks of each month. Individual announcements will hopefully then be limited between mailings. Please keep this in mind when you are sending information to be included in the newsletters. We want to be as responsive as possible but also respect that everyone has a busy schedule and limited time for reading.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (540) 672-5216 or via email to orangevadirector@gmail.com .
I’ll see you around, and remember to support your fellow Chamber members – think, eat, and shop local!
Judi Cooper
Executive Director
Upcoming Chamber Events

Chamber Member
News & Events

On January 18th, representatives from Macmillan Publisher's U.S. distribution center (MPS) along with Martin Horn, the Orange County Board of Supervisors, Orange County Economic Development Authority, and the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate their newest expansion in Orange County. This expansion will add 200,000 square feet to their existing 400,000 square foot distribution facility, located on Route 15 North. Macmillan Publishers, based in New York, NY, is a global trade and higher education publishing company operating in over 70 countries, with imprints in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and India. Macmillan Publishers is a division of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, a large family-owned media company headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. MPS first opened its’ doors in Orange County in 1997, and then expanded in 2000. The Orange County distribution facility handles all distribution for the United States and Canada, as well as some international customers.
Pictured from left to right: Jack Rickett, Vice-Chairman of Orange County Economic Development Authority, Rose Deal, Economic Development Director, Josh Horton, COO of Martin Horn, Mac Russell VP of Operations for MPS, Guy Browning, Senior Vice President of Fulfillment for MPS, Jeff Harris, VP of Finance for MPS, Ajay Roy, COO for MPS, Mark Johnson, Chairman of Orange County Board of Supervisors, and Judi Cooper, Executive Director of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce.

SAFE Mardi Gras Bingo Event
7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Following four successful Mardi Gras events, Friends of SAFE will stage a second luxury bingo event on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at the Culpeper Center from 7:00-11:00 p.m. A limit of 150 tickets will be sold at $100 each. Ticket will entitle the participant to 1 drink ticket, 2 bingo cards and the chance to win 1 of 14 luxury prizes, ranging in value from $500- $1000. The evening includes light refreshments provided by area restaurants; a cash bar, serving beer, wine & hurricanes; music & dancing; and 14 high-spirited bingo games! Additional bingo cards can be purchased at $5 each or 5 for $20.
For those not comfortable attending a physical event, SAFE will simultaneously host a virtual bingo event! Participants will be sent bingo cards and will join the fun via Zoom!
Proceeds from the event will help fund the continuing renovation & operation of SAFE’s two shelters, as well as support other ongoing programs.
Founded 40 years ago, SAFE provides programs that serve men, women, and children who are victims of domestic & sexual abuse in Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock counties. It is the only agency providing shelter for domestic & sexual violence victims in these five counties. All services are free and confidential to their clients. In FY21-22 SAFE assisted its clients by:
● Answering 705 Hotline calls on their toll-free 24 hour Hotline
● Providing 6041 nights of safe, secure shelter to 125 clients
● Assisting 120 survivors of domestic violence in navigating the judicial system
● Providing 3684 hours of advocacy to assist 266 survivors of domestic & sexual assault
Support for the Mardi Gras Luxury Bingo event will be in the form of financial sponsorship of the event, the donation of prize items and/or ticket sales.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.safejourneys.org/events.

The Virginia Service Commission, within the Virginia Department of Social Services, is the lead agency for volunteerism and service for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Commission invites you to take part in an exciting research study, called the Virginia Community Engagement Index, being conducted here in Virginia.
This study, being conducted throughout the month of February, will measure:
• How and why Virginians give back to their communities through service, volunteerism, and even those often-uncounted everyday acts of kindness;
• How these actions benefit our communities;
• What challenges our communities face;
• How Virginians feel we should meet those challenges;
• How Virginians expect their employers to engage in their communities; and
• Much more!
If you’re interested in helping to make it easier, more rewarding, and more effective to give of your time, talents, and treasure, take a few minutes to complete this survey and let your voice be heard!
As its name implies, this survey will ask you to consider the various ways you engage and contribute to your community — from checking in on a neighbor to volunteering and donating to causes you care about.
You will also be asked to consider the challenges we face and how best to meet those challenges through greater levels of civic and community engagement. In short, your insights will be critical to helping leaders in Virginia develop more opportunities for people to give back and strengthen our communities together!
This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Virginia Service Commission and will take no longer than 15 minutes of your time. As a thank you for completing, you’ll have a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Finally, all responses you give will remain confidential. No reporting associated with the results will contain personally identifiable information, and all findings will be reported in aggregate.
Thank you for being part of this exciting initiative!

Tickets are on sale now!
The Inn at Willow Grove is hosting the Best Medicine Brigade which has three veteran comedians presenting their stand up show from 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm on Saturday, March 4.
Tickets for the show are $49.00 per person.
Include Dinner with the show for $89.00 per person. Buffet Dinner will be available from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm prior to the show with a cash bar.
A Lite Fare menu will be available during the show with a cash bar.
Get your tickets by calling the Inn at 540-317-1206.
Our Front Desk team will take care of all the details.
We also have a special weekend package available for the Comedy Show. Inn Guests attending the show will receive VIP seating.
Visit our website page for all the details:

Dogwood Village is looking for individuals who would be interested in providing musical entertainment in a group setting. Piano, guitar, violin players, etc. If you are interested in sharing your talents, please contact Patty Talley at
540-672-1830 or by email to PTalley@dogwoodvillageocva.org .
