Do you know a business who is outstanding in our community?
On each month, one business will be designated as the Orange County Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Month. This business will be selected based on the criteria listed below. The purpose of the program is to provide and opportunity for a Chamber business to receive recognition for their contribution to the Chamber and or Orange County. The designated business will also have their picture and write up submitted to the Orange County Review for publication. They will also have the option of having a “Business of the Month” open house where we will advertise and welcome other to join us in congratulating the business. The Chamber will also highlight the business of the month on our website and social media platforms.
Selection Criteria
1. Must be in good standing with the Orange County Chamber of Commerce.
2. The Executive Director will present selected business to the Executive Committee for approval prior to the formal announcement.
3.The selection will be made by the Executive Director based on any of the following credentials:
a. Long Standing Chamber member
b. Active in the Chamber
c. Community involvement
d. Regular sponsorship of Chamber events
e. Regular volunteering for Chamber wide events
For nomination form, Download Here