Sponsorship Opportunities

50th Annual
Downtown Orange Street Festival
Business Marketing Opportunities
Saturday, September 6, 2025
The Downtown Orange Street Festival is an annual community event, with over 150 artisans, craft and commercial vendors, a variety of food and beverage vendors, live music, and a kid’s zone. This family-friendly festival draws over 5,000 people from all over Central Virginia and is a great venue for community awareness and promotion. This is a great opportunity to put your business in front of thousands of citizens in one day!
To ensure maximum exposure for your business, please reserve your sponsorship no later than August 1, 2025.

Stage Sponsor
*Limited to 3, Reserve Early!
This sponsorship will help to provide live music during the day. A sponsorship at this level receives a free 10 x 20 booth space for the festival, inclusion in all festival promotions, placement of your banner (8’ maximum length, please!) at the entertainment stage and mentions throughout the day by the MC.
Kid Zone Sponsor
Help to provide free activities for children at the festival. Kids Zone sponsors receive a free 10 x 10 booth space in the Kids Zone, inclusion in all festival promotions and placement of your banner/sign (size restriction of 3 x 5) at the Kids Zone.
Festival Friend
Friends of the Festival receive a free 10 x 10 booth space for the festival and inclusion in all festival promotions.